14 day buyers agency contract
I used tell every new client: “I’m not going shove paperwork in front of you. If you want to work together, all I ask is for you to tell me if you decide to stop your home search, or work with another agent. Our relationship that we build is more important than your signature.”
Never had one single client leave me. Inversely, I’ve had many come to me whose realtors weren’t cutting it.
So i take the NAR settlement in stride. There are some creepy agents out there who will do creepy things, and usually it comes down to one factor. They put their needs before yours. Thats right there aer agents notorious for it , they will hold up the sale of a home for an extra percentage point on their commission, lock buyers into a long term contract that they do not understand the implications of, take advantage of customers and unfortunately they feel that they need to do these bully tactics. And you know what they are right.
They need to bully clients into working with them because they don’t get any repeat customers, they don’t get past clients referring family and friends. They need to be basic con artists because they don’t believe in what they are doing, instead of helping the buyers they are helping themselves.
So now NAR is requiring new rules for buyers agents and most agents are looking to either not work with buyers or lock buyers into long term contracts, where the buyers will be responsible for paying the agent no matter what house they buy.
I’m here to tell you that all FRDMI agents will now offer 14 day contracts. No obligation. We will do our absolute best to get you into a home, we will be upfront about our compensation, not charge any unearned fee. We are committed to transparency, building trust and education for buyers of all types and experience levels